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Everything posted by 0blivion0athkeeper

  1. WHo is that in the picture on the lfet? Is that a version of YOzora? Is that a version of Yozora?
  2. So we will probably never see any new Crash or Spyro games again. Just like Banjo.
  3. Really?? But the Crash and Spyro IP belong to micorsoft? But the Crash and Spyro IP belong to Micorsoft? Toys For Bob was just the developer?
  4. Was that the reason it was cancelled?
  5. Is this because they are owned by Microsoft now?
  6. You do not even need the ultima weapon.
  7. I do not want to see a future where Google, Facebook or Amazon are trying to buy Square Enix or somehting.
  8. But do you really think they would give us Star Wars and MArvel??
  9. You are rght. It does not work properly for me either.
  10. Was there not a dispute between Disney and Sony?
  11. Are even the movie rights owned by Sony??
  12. Yes. I wanted to write about that. The right belong to Sony?
  13. I would love to see a Spiderman summon. Or any other young MCU hero.
  14. I think Star Wars is one of the most fitting movies ever.
  15. Probably because Star Wars is also now most likely involved. What do you think about Marvel? Any chance? Maybe a summon or a keychain??
  16. Please not the same situation as in KH3 again. We switched engines durign development. Even though a change from Unreal ENgine 4 to Unreal Engine 5 will not take as long as the KH3 situation. Even though a change from Unreal Engine 4 to Unreal Engine 5 will not take as long as the KH3 situation.
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