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0blivion0athkeeper last won the day on November 24

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  1. Now I have to collect the Orichalchum+. I have 4/7 already. How can I know which I already have?
  2. I hope Lucky Emblem never get added in these form again. If they give you some sort of detector or something that shows you where you have to go it would have helped a lot. Thank you for the answer!!
  3. I have all 90 emblems now. Do I have to beat the game again to get Oathkeeper?
  4. Some of them are really hard to find. Thank you to @soralam(1) for creating a detailled guide!! I wrote it that way to not ping them.
  5. Was a single person able to find all lucky emblem without a guide?
  6. Arendelle I still have to find 30 more.
  7. I can not find some lucky emblems even with a guide.
  8. I feel like Disney forced Square to put these lucky emblem in the game.
  9. Yes. The puzzle pieces from kh2fm were much better.
  10. Lucky Emblem should not come back as it is right now.
  11. I already done that. I got Oblivion.
  12. I miss Oathkeeper and Ultima in KH3. How long does it take to get both of them?
  13. I wonder if we will see quadratum ever again.
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