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    Nintendoman128 reacted to blue490246 in New Kingdom Hearts All-in-One Package coming to PS4 in North America on March 17th; features both the Story so Far and Kingdom Hearts III   
    I honestly think this release is marketing at its rawest, dullest and most shameless... Can they get anymore "creative"...? It's completely unnecessary, especially at this point when Re Mind is still fresh in everyone's minds - the release date for this is not even 2 months after Re Mind's release ... Who is this bundle even targeting?? And why in March? Almost like SE's way of filling in what would've been FF7R craze for a mere few weeks (since it's now being released in April) just to compete with ... Animal Crossing? P5R? lol... Why not save this all-in-one release until the full release announcement of the PS5 and just put out a PS5 version with some extra enhancements? They'd probably also capture some of the crowd that already owns all the games on PS4 again.
    Right now, aside from the fancy cover slip (even though it's just old art again), there is literally no reason for people who own the games on PS4 to double dip (or triple / quadruple dip for that matter). And yeah, can't believe they couldn't bother to even include the DLC in this all-in-one package. They should've actually released this at the same time as KH3's release for a physical edition like they did in Japan.
    If they're capturing newcomers to the series, they also missed the mark. They should've released this at the exact same time as Re Mind's release to maximize sales. What better time to join the series than when they're given new content as a reason to catch up? Newcomers would've found it daunting too to have to get multiple games all over the place just to play the DLC - you can't even play the DLC without having the KH3 base game...
    I am hoping though they decide to release at least 1.5 and 2.5 for the Switch, with actually playable 358/2 Days and Recoded (since those came out on the Nintendo DS). With rumours of a higher powered Switch coming in the future (maybe next year), I hope that'll make it possible to port 2.8 and 3 to the Switch as well.
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