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J u i c e

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Everything posted by J u i c e

  1. Well don’t take personal offense by how I view things, there is no objective standard for how you can enjoy the series. More power to see things however you want I’m not dismissive of what you like, I’m just stating how I see things. It’s not a personal attack
  2. I never initially said anything about FF being unnecessary, the conversation led there on its own
  3. My point isn’t that it’s a good thing they weren’t there I just couldn’t care less
  4. Because they were always just kind of there to me, cool, but there
  5. Well I mean I see it like this, yes I would’ve liked it better if the FF characters had a bigger role in 3, but I didn’t even think about them when I was playing it
  6. Yooo nice I wasn’t really a PlayStation guy until I was much older, and even then wasn’t really into RPGs until later than that But yeah, back to the topic at hand, I really wouldn’t like it if KH was just strictly FF and Disney
  7. For context, I’m one of those guys who discovered KH during the 3 hype and binged the PS4 collections
  8. And RECOM is just kind of ok I guess
  9. I mean imo no KH game has really made me upset enough to call it bad, maybe except Re Coded
  10. That’s true, tho I’ve legit heard people say things along the lines of, “KH was a FF x Disney cross-over but then Nomura let his OCs run wild and distract the direction of the series” That baffles me because the original plot and characters was ALWAYS the backbone of Kingdom Hearts It just got more layered over time
  11. I mean KH3 barely having any FF representation doesn’t make it any less of a KH game imo And yeah it has, tho I still see people out of the loop call it that
  12. I mean yeah but like people always act like it’s strictly FF x Disney, when the FF stuff really isn’t that important in the grand scheme, despite how cool it is It’s about wording more than anything
  13. Addressing a minor annoyance whenever I hear people outside of the KH community talk about the series.
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