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J u i c e

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Everything posted by J u i c e

  1. I have pretty much only interacted with UX through YouTube cutscene compilations So from my perspective I’m having a great time Just like how I love Days Because I’ve only watched it as a movie
  2. I’m expecting DR to hint towards the new arc but as far as Xehanort goes, I’m not expecting anything other than added context to Xehanort’s backstory
  3. Ok yeah but thats like HOPEFULLY something just to give us more context
  4. Well can we all agree that it’s refreshing having the Xehanort saga behind us?
  5. I agree with the sentiment that UX’s story is very good but would be better if it wasn’t trapped on mobile
  6. KH combines two interests where if people like one, they often hate the other
  7. This series is anything but predictable so yeah Well here’s a funny topic, I think I’ve deduced why people who don’t like KH at all don’t on a fundamental level:
  8. It was my second favorite before Re Mind, and favorite after
  9. And I love KH3 for what it’s worth. I’ll prepare for the bombardment
  10. In KH5 Nomura will open it an inch wide for us to peak
  11. Well look at it this way, KH consensus’s are pretty unstable
  12. Because like love or hate KH3, it’s like playing Operation when discussing it
  13. I guess the KH3 wound still stings to an extent. I kind of can’t wait until the next game comes out cause by then KH3 can be discussed without causing so many vitriolic reactions.
  14. True, tho hey Kingdom Hearts VS XIII DDD2 Final Mix is on the horizon.
  15. My point against FF x Disney is just that it kind of just paints a different picture at first hearing than what KH actually is. It has always been an original story SURROUNDED by FF and Disney
  16. True, tho given the TWEWY characters got more spotlight in DDD than any of the final fantasy characters have gotten since 2, I think it’s still significant
  17. I mean I’d argue that SE x Disney is more accurate because of TWEWY
  18. And yeah that’s a good point
  19. I’ve heard people argue that the series went downhill BECAUSE it focused too much on the original plot
  20. I’m trying to argue against this idea that the original plot and characters of KH are a tacked on element, when they’re actually the main point
  21. Well what I said is true: KH isn’t JUST a FF x Disney crossover. That was my point
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