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J u i c e

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Everything posted by J u i c e

  1. I just got out, where’ll you be?
  2. When you have Kingdom Hearts brainrot and you recently played Alan Wake 2: https://x.com/loaffenheim/status/1778083014389453091?s=46&t=mB3-hqaPxQouKv3cOalh9w
  3. If you’re buying the collections individually I’d always recommend starting with just 1.5+2.5. If after completing every game in the collection you then want to go play 2.8, you’re probably so hooked already that you won’t care about the price
  4. It’s not torture, like the games are fun lol
  5. Watching cutscenes is a better substitute than reading/watching a summary
  6. Yeah it’s not hard, at least not anymore That’s basically what I did. I got into the series right after 3 came out. All the hype surrounding the release got me intrigued so I got the HD collections in a bundle (All in One wasn’t a thing yet) and marathoned the whole series
  7. Indeed Tho I will also give credit to 2. While it certainly hopes you have played 1 and COM (and you honestly should for maximum enjoyment), being confused as to what the hell is happening in the opening kind of puts you right into Roxas’s position
  8. BBS just starts with three keyblade welders and you just gotta know what that even means
  9. That’s fair, but order of release is generally king in most series even when they tell their stories out of order Since prequels often assume you know what happens in stories set after Like, KH1 is the only game that properly introduces what the Keyblade is
  10. Yeah, not my personal favorite but still a solid second place. Regardless, KH is such an episodic series that starting with 2 has the same energy as starting a TV series at season 2 because you heard it was the best season
  11. His motivation was that he heard it was the best one
  12. Nah it was real, he said he watched a summary of KH1 and COM He also admitted he was barely able to follow the summary so good luck to him
  13. Saw a tweet today that said something like “Starting the Kingdom Hearts series for the first time!” and I was like nice but then I looked at the next image he posted and it showed him starting with KH2 I mean I hope he has fun but dang
  14. Does anyone think we’ll get to see Luxu get a proper Foreteller garb or will he stay in the black coat the whole time
  15. Honestly I doubt we’ll see it since Re Mind and MoM have already taken the story a year after after KH3’s endings, but one thing I really want to see in KH4 is the immediate aftermath of KH3’s ending Like what is everyone’s reaction seconds after seeing Sora fade away Especially on Kairi’s end because he vanished right next to her as they were having an intimate moment, there’s no way in hell that didn’t somewhat traumatize her I mean there’s already some subtext in MoM that she feels partly responsible for Sora’s fate
  16. I think KH4 Sora’s shoes are the first ones he’s worn with laces. Does Sora know how to tie his shoes? It’s a simple question but it’s well established that he can’t count so I don’t want to assume anything
  17. Deadass I was about halfway through the game, a few days before I got to the keyblade graveyard, and I see a video in my feed titled “Xehanort KILLS Kairi while Sora watches” I was like wtf and scrolled away quickly hoping it was just clickbait and I didn’t actually get spoiled And I mean… you could argue it was but still.
  18. I swear YouTube just KNOWS tho sometimes Like I said I was mostly blind when it came to playing KH3 (the whole series really), but not completely Despite not looking up anything KH3 related, the instant I got to the game all the sudden my recommended tab just got filled with KH3 spoilers
  19. I just hope they don’t blow the whole game in the trailers like with 3 Part of the reason I think I found 3’s story so enjoyable is because on top of not having years of anticipation between games, I also hadn’t seen any trailers for 3 so I still could be surprised I watched the Final Battle trailer after beating the game and was like “Seriously they showed THIS?!”
  20. There are plenty of notes I could make but I think the overall strokes of KH3’s story were very satisfying especially given how much it had to tie up. Also important to note is I marathoned all the games for the first time after KH3 came out So I didn’t have years of anticipation and expectations piled up for what 3 would be like. It’s also why I’m trying to manage hype for KH4. It’s fun to ride the train and be excited alongside everyone else, but the longer the wait and the stronger anticipation gets the harder it’ll be for the final product to ever live up to it.
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