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Everything posted by SoraisBestBoy

  1. That's funny, i never said that, you just invented it. I said that that part didn't have any to do with the post itself and seemed like a jab, that's it. And tbh, the fandom does need more positive stuff, there's too much darkness in it.
  2. Sorry, but the 'observation' excuse doesn't work, it came out of nowhere and had nothing to do with the post itself. It would be like me saying how ridiculously difficult the Xaldin fight is, it's just unnecessary.
  3. That's actually a good comment, i'm happy with this response. However, i suggest the staff to not include things like the Mysterious Figure one, because it seems like a jab at BBS, it would've like saying: "unlike KH2 terrible bosses, Xaldin being a prime example", it's just unnecessary.
  4. I understand that...however, i have a question: Why did you mention that these games have criticism? like, i'm not denying that they aren't perfect, but those "criticism" are in the minority, almost all of the fandom still love these games. I also believe that it would've better if this post was just positive stuff, you know, to prevent any bias or flame wars, i'm speaking from experience in the KH subreddit (which i don't go anymore). You make it sound like there was a change in the fandom, but that isn't true at all. And i still can't shake the feeling that there is a bias against KH3 and BBS in this article: "Some of this optional content has even grown somewhat infamous amongst the community with the Mysterious Figure being a prime example". Let me tell you that KH1 and KH2 had more bad bosses than BBS has, yet why didn't you mention that? And while it is true that KH2 was originally released in 2005, the Re:Mix versions came out after 2010, one of them includes KH2....meaning that you can talk about that game too. Actually, KH2 was mentioned in this article, more specifically when they started talking about the Re:Mix versions (which means you can talk about KH2 too)
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