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Everything posted by Harveywallbanger

  1. @Sam N Yep and though some may not admit it, everyone wants at least a little opinion validation in the reviews they watch
  2. Ignore Union Cross till your final breath
  3. I don't see the issue, this series already got closure 15 years ago
  4. In the same way that expressing your support for genocide would also make you a twat
  5. Liking alt right conspiracy tweets is hardly illegal, it just makes you a twat
  6. If it isn’t true, Quinton has still liked alt right conspiracy tweets. Good luck finding a defence for that
  7. The shippers are the only tweets I enjoy
  8. Someone explain to me why I ever thought following the KH topic on Twitter was a smart idea
  9. I am heralded as the funniest person in history for a reason
  10. I actually didn't mean anything by that, I just thought it'd be funny to sound accusatory for no reason
  11. Hey, remember the Classic Kingdom minigames? No, of course you don't, don't even pretend you do, shush
  12. I would agree, but I have also done enough online crying that I consider it part of my skillset by now I put it on my CV and everything
  13. On the other hand, there's also one guy on Twitter who's non-stop KH3 defence. I cant get too annoyed with someone for defending a product, but he's at it so constantly and in every single twitter reply that it becomes rather whiny. Doesn't help that his avatar is an Ace Attorney character I like
  14. After scouring the same parts of San Fransokyo endlessly, I have to disagree
  15. It seems strikingly unfair to me that Sora & Goofy don’t get called out for their constant ingredient mentioning
  16. Though it being online is bad in its own way, as the negative messages remain there forever
  17. The words of someone who's never been in a shite customer service job
  18. I still remember when the KH Twitter tried to praise Kairi shortly after KH3 released. It was absolute magic
  19. Final Fantasy characters? In Kingdom Hearts? Are you insane?
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