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Everything posted by Harveywallbanger

  1. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FC9IQJGXsAwCsRf?format=jpg&name=4096x4096 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FC9IdfVWUAAaepK?format=jpg&name=4096x4096 I almost want to cry Hours upon hours of searching aimlessly
  2. At the end of KH1, the metaphorical line states, “You are the one who will open the door to light.” So they somehow foresaw the ending of KH2 So it’s both metaphorical and somehow accurate
  3. There's something impossibly meta about Sora being floaty in Smash
  4. Considering UX stars entirely different gameplay and characters, I feel comfortable calling it a spin off
  5. Frankly, I don't know why we needed any more Xemnas or even boss themes in general after A Fight To The Death and Darkness Of The Unknown Like at that point, you've peaked to such a degree that there's no need to even try anymore
  6. It's impossible to pick a favourite piece of music from KIH, but god, A Fight To The Death is such a strong contender. The chills that piano gives me, specifically 1 minute and 10 seconds in has never faded even slightly over the last decade
  7. https://vengeverse.tumblr.com/post/186003598657/2018-07-01-cinderella-x-terra-kingdom
  8. Just met someone who has a Sonic OC with one red eye and one blue eye
  9. At the very least, I know many were surprised to learn the final battle of base KH3 was… well, the final battle
  10. I miss when Sora was asking if there was anyone in the Organization who’d like to die next
  11. A fact of which you can unfortunately tell in 3
  12. Does this channel still have much reason to exist?
  13. Was gud That one Flash scene was mega sexy
  14. Instead of weak ass 'you're all gonna be okay, everyone is nice inside' KH3 Sora Instead of weak ass 'you're all gonna be okay, everyone is nice inside' KH3 Sora
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