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Everything posted by Harveywallbanger

  1. https://64.media.tumblr.com/4cbd2a328fc4fd444cfc93dfbba9ca9d/tumblr_inline_mhvd9cQGEG1qz4rgp.gif
  2. https://preview.redd.it/v8dtyyegdm161.jpg?width=611&auto=webp&s=5c24bc4604ca3232e22ca6b2223be9d71f6638be
  3. I asked this question for no other reason than to flex my superiority
  4. https://www.khwiki.com/Ansem%27s_Reports#Secret_Ansem_Report_13
  5. The idea that anyone hasn't read the KH2 Secret Ansem Reports upsets me Especially Report #13
  6. I think it should be against the law to use the term, 'Unreality' seriously
  7. I'll go the extra mile and say Days has better gameplay than Coded
  8. Coded's gameplay is passable. 358/2 has unquestionably the best writing in the series
  9. The Data Sora VS Data Roxas 'battle' is one of the funniest moments in KH history 358/2 Days' story is miles ahead of Coded's gameplay
  10. It'd be more accurate to say this game is about Kairi reading Jiminy's journal And taking notes from everyone's recaps
  11. How can you wish for more boss battles when they included BBS Maleficent? The most highly anticipated level ever known
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