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Everything posted by Harveywallbanger

  1. Then yes, this series definitely does have at least one bad game
  2. I can't think of a hotter take than saying KH2 is quite good
  3. Unpopular opinion, but KH2 is quite good
  4. One of the 3 star missions for 13th Dilemma is gliding through 300 musical notes. Do you know how many notes 300 is? It's a jolly large number indeed. Why is it so large? I don't think you can even reach it without playing a specific difficulty at least 3 times
  5. There a mod to let you go inside that building behind you, yet?
  6. The only PS2 versions I prefer (I think) are Rowdy Rumble and Another Side Rowdy Rumble in particular became too orchestral and lost some of the bounce
  7. The 2.5 version is the most noticeable song upgrade in the game for me
  8. Replaying Land Of Dragons and still livid that it's the PS2 version of this theme
  9. Someone just messaged me, referring to this series as, "Kingdom Of Hearts" and I am triggered beyond description
  10. If you haven’t watched Klaus, you should really watch Klaus
  11. Being unable to switch to KH2 Sora upsets me more than it should
  12. Could someone be a darling and tell me what 1.03 alters/updates?
  13. Isa got the worst character writing of them all
  14. That didn't feel very cursed to me
  15. I like the fact that Roxas was merely an observer. Made him feel more isolated and alien to all around him
  16. Game developers worldwide have felt extremely insecure about their products ever since
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