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Everything posted by Harveywallbanger

  1. The story needs to be experienced over a normal game length, rather than 2 and a half hours to fully soak in You can't grow as much with the characters via the movie
  2. Movie cuts out all the fat and while that might sound good on the surface, none of the gut punches hit even slightly as hard
  3. If you've only watched the Days movie, you haven't experienced the story proper The original game is why so many love the writing so much
  4. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EtL4ornVkAIzXOO?format=png&name=small
  5. I mean there are several moments in KH3 that I would call hell
  6. If Terra sounded like a jpegin 3, he sounded like a webm file in BBS
  7. I think both titles suit the KH2 world aesthetic in different ways. Hollow Bastion suits the intensity and the barrenness of it, while Radiant Garden suits the rebuilding of it and the connections you've established with the characters It's rather beautiful when I describe it like that
  8. Interesting. I call it RG as well, he wasn’t sure if I’d be an outlier or not
  9. Random question. When you guys play KH2, do you refer to Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden as Hollow Bastion or Radiant Garden?
  10. It even has a paopu fruit on the end Gayest shit I've ever seen
  11. KH3 premiered in most of the world 2 years ago today and yet seemingly no one's saying anything. Make of that what you will
  12. Another 40 days of lockdown was added over here
  13. I’ve only just now realised there’s no Cavern Of Remembrance theme level Trash game, worst game
  14. If that happened, I’m retiring from life
  15. The last decade of story is just Sora, Riku & Kairi having a sleepover making up a plot on the spot for a laugh
  16. I liked ReMind, but I don’t know why you’d bother trying to explain it
  17. When you want to recreate the Ginyu Force pose, but none of your friends have watched DBZ
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