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Everything posted by Sora_1568840842

  1. will there be new plot or are we just gonna travel into different games ? because I’m kinda sick of fighting norts
  2. when was the last update story wise
  3. when was the most recent update please I saw the one of April
  4. But the way that they revealed us how darkness can enter bodies makes the theory lose a bit But maybe nomura wants us to expect that
  5. I mean we can’t say anything for sure because it’s tetsuya nomura that we’re talking here
  6. the ventus that we know in bbs and the one in union are different imo so that means that vanitas is different too no ?
  7. I think that it’s vanitas that forced him to do that because in remind they proved us that vanitas exist in ventus for a very very long time and that Xehanort only extracted him out of ventus
  8. So have you guys come to conclusions on this new update ?
  9. Can someone send me the story update ?
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