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  1. Hi guys, I'm currently on my Birth By Sleep critical lv1 run and I have a question: I'm now playing with aqua after doing terra and ven runs but since I have the critical saves that I did in my first playtrough, how can I unlock the final episode at lv1? When I beat terra and ven at lv1 I could create the final episode but it was according to my lv56 run of aqua. So I have: Critical Terra Lv70 Completed (1 Run) Critiical Ven Lv 70 Completed (1 Run) Critical Aqua Lv 56 Completed (1 Run) Critical Final Episode Lv 30 (1 Run) Critical Secret Episode Lv 36 (1 Run) Critical Lv1 Terra Completed (2 Run) Critical Lv1 Ven Completed (2 Run) Critical Lv1 Aqua Not completed yet (2 Run) How should i do? EDIT: I have finished Aqua's run and i unlocked the final episode Lv1 save
  2. After we finish the 1 episode, what should we do?
  3. I was referring to June 22nd. The official twitter accounts have not yet written about it
  4. But we are sure that they also release dark road outside of Japan?
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