Sharing my script of the remaining pages for 'Nor Land To Stand On' (just in case we get some Kingdom Hearts developments before the end of the year). Also planning on adding a page to 'Beyond The Horizon'
I will delete this once all of the pages have been commissioned & shared.
Page 1
Panel 1 – Kairi, Isa. Naminé, Xion, Roxas & Lea talk to Even & Ienzo
Even: As much as it pains me to ask this, I require your aid …
Lea: Even's asking for help?!
Isa: What happened?
Ienzo: One of our newly created replicas is missing.
Kairi: What?!
Naminé: How?
Xion: Where is it?
Roxas: Who took it?
Panel 2 – Kairi & Aqua talk to Even & Ansem
Ansem: Unfortunately we do not know who took it. But we do know its location – The Keyblade Graveyard.
Even: Be on your guard - we are getting some questionable readings from the replica.
Aqua: We will.
Panel 3 – Kairi, Lea, Roxas & Naminé confront the hooded replica.
Kairi: So this is the replica ...
Lea: Now we just need to bring it back.
??: Hello!
Xion: I-it spoke!
Roxas: Who are you?!
??: Hmmm, that's a tough one. I can't exactly prove my identity to you, so you can call me whatever you like …
Naminé: What do you want?
Page 2
Panel 1 – Kairi & Lea stare in shock as the hooded replica picks up several keyblades
??: You're the new generation, right? Forgive me, but I need to see if you have what it takes …
Kairi: Have what it takes to do what?
??: You'll find out soon enough. Just gonna borrow a few of these keyblades here …
Lea: What?!
??: Show me what you've got.
Panel 2 – Kairi, Mickey & Aqua battle the hooded replica
Panel 3 – Kairi (Ninja Class) attacks with her keyblade. ?? dodges
Panel 4 - ?? attacks with 2 keyblades. Lea & Isa (keyblade in hand) block
Page 3
Panel 1 - Aqua & Terra attack with their keyblades. ?? blocks with 3 levitating keyblades
Panel 2 - ?? attacks by shooting 4 keyblades forward. Mickey & Xion block with their keyblades
Panel 3 – The hooded replica waves farewell to the exhausted Kairi, Lea & Terra
Kairi: pant
Lea: pant
Terra: pant
??: You pass. A little rough around the edges, but not bad at all.
Lea: What … do you … want?
??: Nothing at the moment. But I'll be sure to keep an 'eye' on your two friends.
Kairi: “Two Friends”? Do you mean Sora & Riku?!
??: Maybe, or maybe not. I'll be leaving now – handle the doll with care ok?
Page 4
Panel 1 – The hooded replica is kneeling before Kairi, Roxas & Mickey
Kairi: Wait!
Roxas: He's gone …
Mickey: Let's bring the replica back. Maybe Ansem & the others can get some data from it …
Panel 2 – Ansem, Even & Ienzo study the replica. Mickey, Xion, Kairi & Roxas stand with them.
Even: Thank you for your assistance.
Ansem: We sincerely apologize. The situation was even more dangerous than we anticipated.
Ienzo: We will review this data carefully & share our findings.
Kairi: Thank you. Please do.
Panel 3 – Kairi grins with Roxas, Isa & Xion
Xion: Don't worry Kairi.
Roxas: We'll keep training. We'll make sure we get strong enough to overcome whatever comes our way!
Isa: Agreed.
Kairi: Thank you. Let's all get stronger together!
Panel 4 – Kairi hugs & looks at Carbuncle. Both have worried expressions.
Page 1
Panel 1 – Kairi & Naminé walk through Radiant Garden
Panel 2 – Kairi & Naminé are startled by the defense program
Kairi: I don't think I'll ever get used to this ...
Naminé: The program, or the world?
Kairi: ... Both.
Panel 3 – Aerith surprises Kairi & Naminé by calling out to them from behind
Aerith: That's too bad. We worked really hard ...
Kairi & Naminé: Wha- Aerith!
Panel 4 – Kairi & Naminé walk with Aerith
Aerith: Hello again. How are you doing?
Kairi: I'm doing … better than before ...
Page 2
Panel 1 – Aerith looks at Kairi with a hopeful expression
Aerith: The others told us what happened. Don't worry – Sora will be back before you know it!
Kairi: Thank you Aerith.
Naminé: What are you doing here?
Panel 2 – Aerith waves for Kairi & Naminé to follow her
Aerith: Out on patrol. The program works well, but it isn't perfect. Would you two mind coming with me once I'm done? Tron said he had something that he wanted to show me.
Naminé: Are you sure you want us there?
Aerith: Of course. The more the merrier.
Kairi: Thank you ...?
Panel 3 – Kairi, Naminé & Aerith stand before Tron's computer
Aerith: Hello Tron. How are you?
Tron: Hello Aerith! It's great to see you again. I see there are two new Users.
Aerith: These are Sora's friends: Kairi & Naminé.
Tron: It's a pleasure to meet you both. I hope that we can be friends as well.
Kairi & Naminé: Of course!
Panel 4 – Aerith has a confused expression
Aerith: Tron. You said you had something to show me?
Tron: Yes. There were some anomalies in the data concerning the Battle of Hollow Bastion. However, I've finally managed to analyze it all.
Aerith: That's amazing!
Tron: I'll show it to you now.
Page 3
Panel 1 – Aerith & Yuffie battle Surveillance Robots, Armored Knights & Wyverns (video footage watched by Kairi, Aerith & Naminé)
Aerith: I remember this.
Kairi & Naminé: Wow ...
Panel 2 – Tifa battles a behemoth (video footage watched by Kairi, Aerith & Naminé)
Tron: Do you recognize this person?
Aerith: Tifa ...
Naminé: She's quite strong ...
Kairi: Agreed … Wait, why haven't we met her?
Aerith: She isn't here right now – she went off looking for Cloud. She told us that he'd left to settle the score with -
Panel 3 – Sephiroth looks at Aerith as Aerith battles Heartless (video footage watched by Kairi, Aerith & Naminé)
Aerith: - Sephiroth …
Panel 4 – Sephiroth rushes toward Aerith from behind, preparing to stab (video footage watched by Kairi, Aerith & Naminé)
Aerith: Wait a minute. I don't remember this!
Page 4
Panel 1 – Cloud stops Sephiroth's attack (video footage watched by Kairi, Aerith & Naminé)
Aerith: Cloud!
Tron: He told Sephiroth that he'd keep his friends safe - that he would not fail again.
Aerith: Cloud ...
Panel 2 – Cloud & Sephiroth are separated by the heartless. Sephiroth looks irritated. (video footage watched by Kairi, Aerith & Naminé)
Kairi: Is that all?
Tron: No – the war went on for some time after this event. but Aerith knows about those parts.
Naminé: That was quite the battle ...
Aerith: It really was …
Panel 3 – Kairi & Naminé talk to Aerith
Kairi: Do you miss Cloud?
Aerith: I do, but I know he'll be ok. He was lost before, but he found his way back to us.
Naminé: So you're confident that he'll do it again ...
Aerith: I am.
Kairi: I hope you see each other again.
Aerith: Thank you Kairi.
Page 5
Panel 1 – Kairi, Naminé & Aerith look worried. Binary code surrounds them
Tron: No!
Aerith: Tron? What's wrong?
Tron: The data! Something's emerging! Sorry, but I may need your help!
Aerith: Of course!
Panel 2 – Kairi, Naminé, Aerith & Tron are in the data world. Sephiroth hovers before them.
Aerith: Sephiroth ...
Tron: Impossible ... He's more powerful than the Master Control Program!
Aerith: No ... We need to stop him right now!
Kairi: Ok!
Naminé: We'll help however we can!
Sephiroth: I will bring this world despair …
Panel 3 - Kairi, Naminé, Aerith & Tron battle Data Sephiroth
Page 6
Panel 1 – Sephiroth blocks Tron's disc attack
Panel 2 – Sephiroth dodges a Tornado spell summoned by Naminé (keyblade in hand) & Sylph
Panel 3 – Sephiroth summons Meteors, which are blocked by a barrier spell summoned by Kairi (Ninja Class) & Carbuncle
Panel 4 – Kairi & Aerith summon a pillar of light under Sephiroth, inflicting massive pain to him
Page 7
Panel 1 – Kairi, Naminé, Aerith & Tron stand panting before the kneeling Data Sephiroth as he begins to vanish
Aerith: Begone Sephiroth. You don't belong here.
Sephiroth: I will never be a memory. We will meet again …
Panel 2 – Tron thanks Kairi, Naminé & Aerith
Tron: Thank you for your help.
Aerith: No problem Tron!
Kairi: If you need our help again, just say the word.
Naminé: Or send a message.
Panel 3 – Kairi, Naminé & Aerith wave farewell to Tron
Tron: Of course. Take care friends.
Page 0-1
Panel 1 – Kairi's eyes are closed as she stands with Cinderella. Naminé gets a message on her gummiphone
Panel 2 – Kairi transforms into the Princess Class. Snow White nods & Naminé looks down at her gummiphone with a shocked expression.
Panel 3 – Kairi & Naminé are running. Both have tears in their eyes. Sora & Riku are waving. Sora is holding a pair of headphones (a pink one in his non-waving hand & a black one around his neck) & Riku is holding 2 Mr Mew plushies against his chest with his non-waving hand (one black, one white).
Panel 4 – Kairi hugs Sora & Naminé hugs Riku as Roxas, Xion, Lea, Isa, Terra, Aqua, Ven, Donald, Goofy & Mickey look on
Page 0-2
Panel 1 – Sora & Kairi laugh together in the gummiship
Panel 2 – Sora & Kairi (lion cubs) greet Simba, Nala, Kiara & Kovu
Panel 3 – Sora & Kairi greet Bambi & Faline
Panel 4 - Sora & Kairi greet Aladdin & Jasmine
Panel 5 – Sora & Kairi greet Pongo & Perdita