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Everything posted by Leamax_1559862996

  1. All of the outfits are in this, including from Origins and Odyssey
  2. Am I playing Animal Crossing right? I'm not seeing any spiders around to collect
  3. Keep in mind that right now, everybody is working from home right now in Japan, so ot has a decent chance of being delayed
  4. They work very well, although we are only down to one dog.
  5. Use to have 11, but 2 of them were accidently killed by one of my dogs
  6. The other 5 aren't near the house at the current moment
  7. Here are some of my kitties for you guys to enjoy
  8. Everybody just wanted to hear One Winged Angel so badly it overloaded the servers
  9. Need a new shaft for your golf clubs? Ven has you covered
  10. And have some chips from Terra
  11. Conspiracy theory: Square Enix made the virus to make people stay at home and play FF and KH
  12. Except last year Guess people were too busy playing KH3 to vote Final Fantasy should be on the list either tomorrow or early Sunday
  13. Right now the Hall of Fame is happening on Classic FM and KH (Including the Other Promise) finished at 245th
  14. @Harveywallbanger was she listening to Classic FM by chance?
  15. If you are trying the Sephiroth Union Cross battle, you might want to wait. There is a bug that may not allow you to end the battle and collect the coins at the end or give you credit. It has happened to me twice already They are working on finishing it now
  16. Anybody else craving for tacos or is that just ne?
  17. If there isn't an election before January, then the senior member of the Senate would be acting President
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