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Everything posted by animekai

  1. U know Disney is releasing series of their movies like hotel transylvania, frozen, tangled and more Why kh is not a series or movie
  2. 0.2 on PS4 pro is 60fps, but fat ones are 30 caped
  3. Did you noticed the 30 fps lock and 45 variable fps in kh3
  4. U can't see kairi panties in kh3, but you can on kh2 and kh1
  5. You Should not pass, reference, and super dope magic barrier killing heartless
  6. But she was lvl 50, Ten years would have her to grind lvl 99 doing you think?
  7. I hope it was not only just one battle I wanted more
  8. Arnold Shwase negger? I can't write his name Neither said it
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