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Everything posted by Evil-Ven-The-Darkness-King

  1. Well, I can't get a proper deck Alot of em are 1 hit points
  2. Is dark road ending like khux? Or is it still on going? Because I'm thinking on giving it a try.
  3. Ohh I honestly can't play or understand how dark road works
  4. Makes me wonder where you, the player went off too…because you see the heart float away Saying: it’s not over
  5. I’m sad that I cant replay the last battle again, now that offline mode is officially permanent
  6. Ah I see Well, I’ll just wait for a sale I think 60 is too high The game has very minimum effort But it’s not the first kh game I kinda skipped...I skipped fragmentary passage, because I didn’t have the system or money at the time.
  7. I was expecting 40 not 60 for the game But after watching half of the video being recaps and very little kh remind and the secret ending...I’m kinda...left, with confusion and I don’t care feeling. Is melody of memory worth playing?
  8. Even with my fast reflexes to hit...it’s like the game makes me miss on purpose...
  9. I’ve only played the demo, but I think it’s more responsive on my Xbox than switch. I don’t know why on switch it feels like nothing responds right. I’m debating if I should get the game or pass. I watched the cutscenes
  10. I think I’ll get the switch version, because I could travel with it on the go. But I don’t know, given the battery of the switch
  11. Oh yeah.. Your right Seeing the Roxas segment reminds me of 358/2 days
  12. I hope all songs are included But as long as I get to hear darkness of the unknown I'm happy Even some kh3
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