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Everything posted by Evil-Ven-The-Darkness-King

  1. Team anguis is always 3rd or 4th place for me.. Btw, is proud mode even worth going through all the Disney worlds again?
  2. Lol I only got up to 6110 currently. I’m thinking of just farming until I can’t farm no more lol
  3. Still...I don't know if I should spend all my jewels on medals Or more gems to buff up my keyblade more
  4. Unfortunately, I don’t have that much 9 medals Because the medals given aren’t good, during the pulls I have, namine...but I don’t think I have a chance, because my 41.1 starlight is my best keyblade. But with aced being at a high difficulty...yeah...I don’t know how long I can be farming jewels for medals that are useless But I don’t know how long the event will last..
  5. Yeah.. I thought Nightmare chirithy was hard But, aced took the lead It’s ridiculous, I understand wanting a “challenge” but even then, it looks like all the spikes on difficultly is impossible now Also with having no continues...it makes it all the more difficult Of victory All my medals aren’t those, but a variety
  6. Am I the only one who hates the barrier...? Because, that new addition really kills the game, because your strongest medal can kill you.
  7. It doesn’t help that the most powerful medals aren’t given by several pulls. Because it’s all bad medals. Through each pull I ain’t wasting my jewels on medals I can’t get
  8. Does anyone have any tips on beating aced...I keep having all my medals at only 1 hit point..
  9. I understand Because I don’t know how much longer they can keep it going As far as main storylines I don’t really count some of the Disney worlds as a major point. Well...some of em anyway
  10. Maybe .w. But I think the moogle shop is too pricey lol
  11. Is the keyblade war the only one time event? Because I think it can be a nice ending to unchained x
  12. I unfortunately don’t have either medals that have kh2 kairi Kh3 is the only one that’s buffed maxed
  13. I don't know how to even beat Nightmare Chirithy. My medals seem to activate the barrier and restore his health. Rather annoying...
  14. Finally! KHUx updated to the keyblade war! I’m pretty excited for part 2! If the updates arrive fast enough
  15. Was there ever a reason to complete finding all chests in each world?
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