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Everything posted by Evi98

  1. yup It's kinda sad tho because it would be sick
  2. ^ this. I mean look how they scrubbed all the disney rep except for the keychain in smash
  3. I just think legality is the main issue actually anyway
  4. Honestly the more I think about it, especially given botw got one, technically there's nothing they do that kh doesn't
  5. I suppose the armies being entirely heartless might make it okay Disney seems strict with how they let you play as they characters tho
  6. You mow down armies as the entire cast
  7. I just think it'd be difficult to pull off legally, but also nomura would want to make it canon in some way The disney characters might be an issue, because generally you play as every important member of the cast in these games or maybe I'm overthinking that aspect lol They'd have to make some kind of arrangement with koei/nintendo to develop the game. It'd be similar to the smash situation
  8. I feel like Sora wouldn't at all like the way the foretellers go about combating darkness too 💯 I'm very excited to see where the story is headed I thought about this and I would love it but I feel like it probably can't happen due to legal issues Also the thing with the musou spin-offs of other franchises is they are pretty much always an alternate timeline with koei tecmo's ocs thrown in Do we really want an alternate timeline in kh with the lore being as it is already lol
  9. That's true, but there has to be some reason for Sora to oppose them right? 🤔
  10. That's true I think what mainly I'm basing this on is the chess board
  11. Sora has a problem with seeing things as too black and white
  12. My reasoning is think he'd see them kind of like traitors to the side him and his friends are on
  13. MoM will probably werid him out lol
  14. ooh I hope so I can actually see him not liking Ava or Gula
  15. haha, thanks https://tenor.com/view/goofy-gawrsh-disney-im-shy-gif-17449799 Back to the topic of Sora tho, I'll be so disappointed if I don't see him go at least little apeshit Please don't be a coward square 🙏
  16. girlboss gaslight gatekeep 💅
  17. https://tenor.com/view/perfect-popcorn-michael-jackson-gif-26271837
  18. Yes please give us angry sora like that one time he snapped at donald and goofy in CoM
  19. Well, it can’t really be helped sadly, they were going to add more severs before the new expansion launched, but covid prevented that
  20. I’m not in a rush to play now, though, and I’m on the award winning free trial, so it doesn’t really bother me much because I’m not playing the new expansion for a while anyway. I can play other games that have come out
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