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Everything posted by RacingJon_1554487655

  1. So THIS is what I walked into, eh?
  2. I get them every day or so (spam callers) Most of them wants me to "speak with a warranty agent" Then there's ones that said "you won a trip on a Disney Cruise" Oh and then there's ones that wants me to change alarm companies So, yeah I'm tired of them too as they are overflowing my voicemails
  3. But I'm saving money for Atlanta Comic Con
  4. Not to mention Riona is in Dissidia NT
  5. FF 8 doesn't want to be released....for SOME reason
  6. FF 9 FF 7 FF 9 Wait, let me see if that's right NOW it is
  7. I know 3 FF games is coming to the Switch, but its 3 that ALREADY has been on other consoles
  8. The CLOSEST you can probably get is Disgaea 5 Complete on the Switch
  9. Well, tell that to a lot of people who want it to see it on a console ...cause I think a lot of people wants that to happen
  10. I also recommend the Re:Light movies The 2 Death Note live action ones (yes, Viz did 3 of these, but only saw 2 of them) are decent The Live action one on Netflix... just avoid it It wasn't that good A LOT of changes were made
  11. The America dub (the one I know the most) is actually really good It ALSO gives you one of the best (IMO) scene in the anime. It involves Light and a bag of potato chips
  12. Well I was talking about Yu Gi Oh on my stream today as well so.... Was talking about the duel I was watching earlier (Kaiba vs Zigfried)
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