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Everything posted by Firaga13

  1. @HaakonHawk only 3 users in 2 weeks? You guys are lucky
  2. aww thank you!! :FiragaHeart:
  3. I miss this game My FFXIV subscription ran out exactly one year ago. :Sadge:
  4. How have you been by the way? I haven't seen you on Twitter in forever
  5. @HaakonHawk you guys are crazy :KEKW:
  6. Not always, this channel used to be good :MichiShrug:
  7. Those renders look like figures lol
  8. For example my 3Mbps connection can't handle that :PepeLaugh: I just want KH on PC :Sadge:
  9. You need a very strong connection for streaming so I wouldn't really say all KH games are in all consoles
  10. sup I see you're still talking about Marvel stuff here, things never change :sipsip:
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