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Everything posted by Epheymer

  1. https://giphy.com/gifs/iiTXaJVjiSHew
  2. So Mario can barely speak but can speak enough to be homophobic https://giphy.com/gifs/YrZe6RM2LiPfceIxzf https://giphy.com/gifs/YrZe6RM2LiPfceIxzf
  3. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/sony-confirms-ps5-wont-support-ps1-ps2-or-ps3-games/1100-6482329/?utm_source=gamefaqs&utm_medium=partner&utm_content=news_module&utm_campaign=homepage Bye PS ?
  4. Hence minus i Therefore it works Go find your consellor's TikTok
  5. I actually find the Witcher franchise beyond overhyped I enjoy those games but I don't get all the fuss
  6. So no transphobic character then?
  7. Are you sure? (I need to be sure )
  8. Very silly question: did Birth by Sleep on PSP have any updates back in the days? My Internet is too advanced for my PSP to detect it but I wanna play BbS on the go. So were there any updates/patches?
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