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Everything posted by TrinityXaos#

  1. Hi there, CosmicWolF. I am doing okay. Your story on how you got into Kingdom Hearts seems pretty simple and clean, by the way.
  2. For me, it's either Thor: Ragnorok or Captain America: Civil War.
  3. With this part of the interview, if Japan gets an English Mode as DLC, then shouldn't the rest of the world receive a Japanese mode as a fair trade?
  4. Hello KH13! I am TrinityXaos#! I am a Kingdom Hearts fan who is also an artist on some websites which I will list below. I’ve been reading through the site’s articles and forums for years before I decided to finally join. I like to discuss some ideas about the series (whether it is about its past, present, and/or future), bring up tidbits that I discover while playing through the series, and show some of my stuff from other sites. To anyone who views this, thank you for reading! List of websites I am at: DeviantArt (www.deviantart.com/trinityxaos2) Fanfiction.net (www.fanfiction.net/u/10397377/TrinityXaos) And Pixiv (www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=38938557) (Note: This is also in my profile page.)
  5. TrinityXaos#

    KH Sora Drawing [COLOR]

    Also on my DeviantArt account, TrinityXaos2. Inspired by the character art of Kimihiko Fujisaka.
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