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  1. Yeah, im really looking forward to watch it! But there is something strange about it Like, if you saw the photos that kh posted they show the Epic Games logo, and iknow that UE4 its from Epic, but maybe they plan to put it in there store
  2. meake it 2 years later but adding everything and making it the definitive version
  3. you know the can do as ffxv and put in EVERY STORE ffxv is even on orgin and windows 10 store
  4. but there are a lot fo games from disney on the pc on to steam to be precise
  5. but not only for that, because its has a lot more things to do in apc you can moddit translate it to another languages, sell it to more places because of steam/epic
  6. please give us a keychain call half life and the description saying : "no one ever thought that this will come with a 3"
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