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Everything posted by mayareader

  1. don't get me wrong, i think this shehulk is cute, but now knowing she could have been bigger, we have been robbed unless they plan on making her bigger later on to show how her strength has grown but who knows
  2. they learned nothing from luisa smh you'd think how excited everyone got over lady dimitrescu they would pick up on how we want big buff ladies
  3. i curse whoever pitched the cars in the kh 2 board meeting
  4. season 5 will be 15 hours long
  5. that's because it's not the king's english
  6. When it comes to merch, I've been shifting to fan merch b/c it's a lot more creative than companies just slapping a logo and the picture of a character on a shirt. The only thing I'd buy from box lunch or hot topic would be figures/plushies or bags probably
  7. It's perfect. That was my first thought when I saw the KH logo with the moon's lol
  8. okay that looks awesome!
  9. i'm assuming it's a result of the preschoolers 😅
  10. I vote yes if we're taking a poll
  11. That's really great! Looks beautiful
  12. i beat sephiroth on proud mode and there's no way you can make me go and fight lingering will
  13. in final mix, there's an "ability" you can select to gain no experience and basically play the games on lvl 1. critical mode is harder than proud mode, the difficulty lvl for the games.
  14. i'm not gonna lie, i definitely gravitate towards the books with pretty covers. but that's just part of marketing you want your book to look good so people pick it up, maybe read a page or two and buy it.
  15. they're so cute. i like the style
  16. sora's an islander, he cares about the environment
  17. When he wouldn't listen to reason when Donald and goofy told him to slow down and think before rushing off the save namine and he just blew up at them. We know why he acted like that, doesn't change the fact he still blew up at them
  18. Protagonist can make mistakes, do wrong, they're not immune from that. What matters is whether or not they learn and grow from it
  19. I mean no character is immune from flaws. They wouldn't be very interesting if they didn't have them. I love sora he's my sunshine boy. But he still made a mistake in the way he behaved towards his friends in recom but he then made up for them, he grew from it You can like a character and still be critical of them. Riku for example made a mistake in kh1 by joining maleficent. Even though we know it was to find kairi and he was manipulated against sora, we can still recognize it was a mistake and he's been making up for it ever since.
  20. All of recom was just showing him displaying his flawed side
  21. you're right, my mistake https://tenor.com/view/we-are-worthless-gif-13406404 https://tenor.com/view/we-are-worthless-gif-13406404 me whenever she composes anything ever
  22. because Yoko Shimomura is an absolute queen
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