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  1. nomura like "i'm tired, you'll get it when you get it"
  2. latter, i would love to be around that energy. donald tho, i would fight that duck on sight.
  3. makes me wonder how Kiyoshi Island is going to be handled
  4. i'm detecting a flat character
  5. i will not be satisfied until we get the kh conclusion of the cloud sephiroth fight
  6. i will one day. probably this summer when i'm off work
  7. ps4 and i still haven't finished it lmao
  8. i agree only because i would share a b-day with kairi
  9. ooohhh that's such a cool figure i'm gonna have to spend some money at aitai kuji
  10. Nice!! You can use that minor to write some pretty good characters with some deep backstories
  11. What are you majoring in?
  12. listen i am a firm believer that we can not be held accountable for our tween-selve's cringe ass writting if we were, i would have disappeared off of the internet lol and speaking of KH fanfic, i do have one up on ao3. incomplete b/c i can't finish shit to save my life lol
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