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keyblader greg

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Everything posted by keyblader greg

  1. Anyone play mariokart kart tour, I need 2 more friends in-game
  2. Has everyone seen the new information/interview dump from a little while ago
  3. Also Luxurd/MoM =game master for the reapers game, and the card given to sora by luxord was entry to the game
  4. I find it weird that they were chosen because of their "secret past" but then they never explained it
  5. Do you guys think that larxene, marluxia, demyx, and luxord are still alive
  6. I wonder if the ultimania reveals anything of the past of demyx and luxord Since everyone is expecting them to show up in ux
  7. When do you think we will finally see elrena, lauriam and possibly demyx and luxord wield keyblades
  8. Do you guys think we will ever find out what was in the card that luxord gave to sora
  9. But theres the very slight chance that they could do global release They would make a lot of money so I see no reason to not do it
  10. If we dont get a global release of the ultimania I am going to be really mad and fight nomura
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