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Mr. Manual

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  1. Oh. Well I need to upgrade my phone anyway, so I should by then.
  2. Done Well that was fun. Though... Since I discovered a PC program to play mobile games, there's now nothing stopping me from falling into a different gacha Hell than Genshin. Shame since I got Genshin gacha off my back a while ago. Might come back for Missing Link whenever that releases. But most of that is off-topic jabber.
  3. Hey guys, how many quests are there in Dark Road? I'm on number 98
  4. If you're low level, prioritize getting levels over cards. I am only like level 20-something, though, so I can only speak for as far as that
  5. I just got #38 at Wonderland 3* so it's definitely possible, just extremely rare buy as many charms as you can
  6. Charms are 20 bp for me next to nothing but still
  7. Exodia?! That's impossible! Nobody has ever been able to summon HIM!!! and done and battles are little issue for now
  8. Anyone else have a differing opinion? Also, when looking at the accessories it'll say something like "HP +3" and have an empty box next to it. Is that a glitch or is there a way to power up accessories or something? Oh, it's for elemental bonuses There's no reason to max out potions, right?
  9. So I just started Dark Road earlier today. Got to level 8 and found I was strong enough to leave the game on autobattle in rank 1 for a while while I take care of business. I now have 11k BP. Should I prioritize leveling up, or use the BP on strong cards? 11.8k*
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