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Everything posted by Jake_1550765278

  1. 👋 Does anyone happen to be available? I've got some interesting questions regarding the KH series' lore
  2. Decided on going back and watching this old video of mine for improvements; gotta say, I’m a lot more proud of it than I thought I would be
  3. What’s the name of the final save point location in KH2? Where you’re with Mickey and Riku?
  4. Alright, here So I made this video giving my thoughts & impressions of KH3 I don't go into every niddy-griddy detail, it's really just an "overview" or summary of things. I plan on making more videos about multiple things related to KH3, so if something you particularly wanted to hear isn't in this video - then maybe next time - but be sure to let me know what that'd be!
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