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An Octoling Spy

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Everything posted by An Octoling Spy

  1. person: "so i'd like some mayo on my roast beef sandwich" riku: "the light in the darkness"
  2. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/855002555918843915/996902444992843997/28e7ff6573fce060dce55497a3b0c3e6.mp4
  3. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/572721707673059357/993644095836786770/e9b640ebd7e490f6af916610546efc75354ce1de0b4aa32613b6b5772d178313_1.mp4
  4. i did not know that.. good tip i will remember it
  5. I didnt know you could post not KH art there 👀 I will do so Disrespectful strainer
  6. Thank you so much I drew it myself ☺️
  7. Why did tiny British colonize it 😭
  8. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/572721707673059357/982406848097431583/RPReplay_Final1654270005.mov
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