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Everything posted by hawk222_1550644792

  1. @Marluxia#0011 depends. how many pulls have you done so far? how many jewels do you have? have you bought vip this week?
  2. i know it will be, but i apparently have to do the work for someone else
  3. this is gonna seem stupid, but does anyone have the "source" where they said that remind would be paid dlc?
  4. the kyroo medals (the frogs) can be leveled up but it's pointless to do so. their sole existence is for subslots only. don't waste your exp medals on them, especially because those leveled copies probably won't be able to be stacked once the medals have been updated to be stackable (kinda like how trait medals can't stack if they've been leveled up or have a skill on them) the foretellers are tier 10 medals, first of their kind. when you pull them, they come at supernova+ which means they don't need to be upgraded at all (supernova would be when you evolve a t7 or t8 medal using meow wows. supernova+ is when you evolve a t9 medal using meow wows. t10 are already supernova+ so there's not even a way to level them up currently)
  5. if you do it as a free avatar board, people who worked their asses off during the original raid week feel like they worked for nothing. same with a paid avatar board if they bring it back as a raid week reward, the people who already have it have that much less to work toward unless they include a secondary reward alongside it
  6. problem is they already included it once it's like, how would you go about bringing it back?
  7. probably. they did say winter, i think. and since it's currently fall, well...
  8. Not entirely true: a lot of the time you can just run past all the enemies and go straight to the target. Still have to have the right medals, but it's easier with supernova
  9. pfft, 3 stacks you are like little baby 7 stacks (and 3 stacks of t8)
  10. not completely irrelevant: i have soooooooo many t7s to turn into t8s, and then into t9s. i have plenty of t9 medals to evolve but yeah, make them evolvable!
  11. http://api.sp.kingdomhearts.com/information/detail/57667 that's the link to the notice about the survey click the link on the bottom and it'll open up the form in your browser much easier than typing everything on a phone, i've found
  12. oh yeah, accessing it online is easy enough. the system they use for notices can be accessed online via their "bridge" or whatever
  13. i had like, 3-4 draw ticket pulls in a row without a single 7* i did get a xion trait that let me roll doublecast, though
  14. 10-mercy sucks, but falling price makes it better think i might pull for aqua, since she was vip-only and i could use some magic then again, i can't really do any pulling until they give us a storage sale
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