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Everything posted by hawk222_1550644792

  1. you think this is hot? for shame, daz, for shame
  2. i'd believe that (was about to say "i'd buy that" before realizing what was just posted before and, uh... nope)
  3. like, i agree, but also i have no clue
  4. what other monkey-based shooters are there?? overwatch???
  5. tbf, i wasn't hating on anyone. i used to find him annoying but these days i just don't really care one way or the other
  6. Hell yeah, man. There's a decent fanbase for them. Something about tom hardy's portrayal is just 👌 Also, does anyone else remember that they were gonna do a movie about some marvel comics wrestler starring bad bunny at one point?
  7. always love it when the court jester switches from outwardly attacking humor to inwardly attacking humor
  8. a new narnia movie, huh? that's unexpected
  9. https://tenor.com/view/romeo-and-juliet-sampson-gif-22974937
  10. Slight correction: we get more free pulls for winning. We already got freebies just for being nominated
  11. I was about to say he could make his triumphant return as Johnny storm, but, uh...
  12. Oh, I thought you were talking about snake saying erdtree would sweep
  13. Idk, don't underestimate the Chinese players on this one (Although whether they go for 1 of the hoyo games or wukong is a tossup)
  14. was reading a review a couple weeks ago that was saying how he's not all that great at being imposing or something and i'm like "did we watch the same episode??"
  15. oh boy, been a while since i got to use this! https://tenor.com/view/confused-bird-we-just-dont-know-question-mark-gif-15950567
  16. https://tenor.com/view/kingdom-hearts-kingdom-hearts-lamers-losers-gif-21155021
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