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Everything posted by hawk222_1550644792

  1. yeah, his character was so interesting, shame they focused so much more on other characters instead
  2. https://fixupx.com/ShitpostRock/status/1830343418461167795
  3. true detective, that's right. couldn't think of the right term
  4. is this the green lantern project that's supposed to be set on earth in the middle of nowhere, usa as a murder-mystery type of story?
  5. pretty sure this loading screen is actually in the game, just not with this background. swear i've seen it a few times
  6. https://tenor.com/view/jesus-christ-dude-south-park-e1802-kyle-broflovski-jesus-christ-bro-gif-20593212 hey, hey @raiden94 https://vxtwitter.com/percodine/status/1830003595057529170?t=JnOs_f2VVR_b5X-vL9PEgQ&s=19
  7. why not, i'm bored 1. tom 2. omni-man 3. bowser 4. columbo 5. super unsure about this one 6. are we talking current shigaraki or base level? because current is kinda... "not" shigaraki? 7. aang (bold choice to use lumine instead of aether, since she's not the canon mc which means she's the canon abyss sibling) 8. yugi/atem (atem is firetruckin' psycho) 9. simon (is his opponent john stewart?) 10. maka (sorry, rubes) 11. hulk 12. megamind
  8. no for real, what's going on with destiny that's got hunt feeling like this?
  9. black text would be a better choice for the next meme imo
  10. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/741099530740695089/1279074787087486997/owie.mp4?ex=66d3c779&is=66d275f9&hm=9a43337989df948b0a3638ad5085417f251093107242324583a9b3f447ce674f&
  11. For real though, if folks thought things were bad, then why bother saying mid?
  12. Silly muki, Nintendo doesn't do menu customization
  13. That game was so fun, though they shut it down before I could get everything...
  14. I'm thinking that, if Amy and rouge and them are so important to the sa2 story (I never played), then perhaps they just focused on the shadow and Eggman stuff for the hype factor and later trailers may show what was missing
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