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Everything posted by hawk222_1550644792

  1. ...shorts are acceptable. As long as he doesn't magically talk (or he can if he does in the movie, I guess)
  2. Original thought upon announcement: when will it be Kyle's turn? Reveal of "my adventures with" title: oh shit, for real? Why yes I will take more of that goodness, thank you
  3. Yes, you're right. Tsurg is making a joke by erasing the existence of every Pokémon game that has released since those 2
  4. i mean, it says something that you can tell that
  5. amateurs "what?!" i said, amateurs! (wearing ff type-0 shirt)
  6. since y'all were talking about squall and ff8 earlier
  7. think it probably means you could swap his hair for kairi's and it'd look normal
  8. i think the "awful" is referring to the actual poster, not the concept
  9. you can't rename summons until late game
  10. oh no, you didn't name your summon? bad move, coleman
  11. but he gets better, so it's only for a little while
  12. wakka's great (until you get to his )
  13. @raiden94, i have good news: it's not gonna be a mobile game i also have bad news https://www.engadget.com/ar-vr/an-xr-game-trilogy-based-on-neon-genesis-evangelion-is-in-the-works-222629986.html
  14. yeah, but i'm a terrible seamstress 😭
  15. https://tenor.com/view/jojo-bizzare-adventure-rohan-kishibe-i-refuse-gif-26066583
  16. If it helps, I read that like the moonbase alpha thing
  17. It was fine, definitely not worth owning though (I rented it)
  18. that still doesn't mean it won't be a mobile game tho
  19. not pacman: xman several disney lawyers are typing
  20. Haven't there literally been articles posted, some in this server, saying they canned an entire rivals dev team?
  21. If he didn't wanna pay the fees, then he should've changed the characters and made it a different game. Now he's taking it out on the people who make the game as successful as it is... why, exactly??
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