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Everything posted by hawk222_1550644792

  1. So uh... does that mean I can just have green now, since I can't get it the original way?
  2. People keep using it to bridge the gap between their connected multiverse theories, lol
  3. https://www.ign.com/articles/world-of-warcrafts-90-mount-is-so-popular-the-in-game-auction-house-is-selling-out-of-wow-tokens A fool and their money... ugh
  4. are you that surprised? this is muskrat we're talking about
  5. as i understand it, there's currently a way to opt out but it will be unavailable soon enough
  6. wasn't it restricted by some weird activation code system at the start? probably not the best way to launch
  7. specifically recently, a new wave of people (including a lot of artists) jumped ship to bluesky because twitter basically said "we're gonna let our ai learn from your posts and art and you have no way to opt out"
  8. Well, that's certainly a look Shame, but better to wait for a banger idea for a story than to try and build the brand without one
  9. man, what a performance by patti lupone!
  10. https://tenor.com/view/culture-man-of-culture-cultured-gif-10903367
  11. 37, let's goooooooo Just lower your standards, EZ
  12. https://tenor.com/view/not-listening-dont-want-to-hear-ignoring-sophia-petrillo-golden-girls-gif-26112443
  13. Sakurai: I actually filmed all these videos 2+ years ago Nomura: hold my beer
  14. Nope: TED https://www.engadget.com/gaming/netflix-and-ted-are-hopping-on-the-daily-word-game-bandwagon-230014184.html
  15. Snake, when I find you...! (Imitating other people's reactions is fun, lol)
  16. No, that's the glitch from the 1st gen of Pokémon games
  17. Kid icarus 2, baybee! https://www.engadget.com/gaming/netflix-has-closed-its-aaa-gaming-studio-133014946.html https://tenor.com/view/willy-wonka-stop-dont-come-back-dont-come-back-willy-wonka-and-the-chocolate-factory-gene-wilder-gif-5613162 https://tenor.com/view/willy-wonka-stop-dont-come-back-dont-come-back-willy-wonka-and-the-chocolate-factory-gene-wilder-gif-5613162
  18. Finally finished the DC animated universe's "tomorrowverse" films. I gotta be honest, it wasn't great overall. Like, not outright bad, but definitely lacking in ways that previous iterations weren't. Hell, the damn thing only ran for about 4 years over the course of 10 movies before doing another reset (less if you count movies with 1/2/3 parts as one entry). The previous one ran for almost twice that with a little under double the amount of movies
  19. it's a one-time flat fee and they haven't said how much it'll be yet, but yeah, that's what they've said
  20. right? they haven't even announced a price for that version yet. and also: a price?? for a f2p game?? that i never spent money on, and now i have to spend a flat fee just to continue to be able to access years' worth of progress??? firetruck you, nintendo, this was entirely unnecessary! even square didn't charge players for the offline mode of khux/dr once it ended, and their microtransactions were awful! some of them have been getting better, admittedly. avatar was good-looking, but i'm not a fan of how they shifted the story and lore around. and one piece continues to be "lightning in a bottle" that they keep trying to catch again
  21. who even knows. animal crossing pocket camp announced their end of service date about a month ago but they keep adding brand-new things for people to spend money on. if a game can eke even a little bit more money out of their playerbase, then...
  22. but for there to be a sale, there has to be a standard price first. we're going in circles avoiding the price here
  23. but what do you do if it's not on gamepass, or if a person doesn't want to buy gamepass? they still have to assign a price to it in that case
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