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Everything posted by hawk222_1550644792

  1. It's for the overwrite feature iirc As for why you're doing 1 damage, it's because you don't have ground -60 or because your strength isn't high enough to overpower his defense (or both) Oh, and you probably need more subslots That'll help with strength
  2. Post your setup and your relevant t7-t9 medals
  3. it's weird to see some people saying how easy something is and then see other people complaining about how hard it is
  4. To turtle him, I think you just need db5max and a second chance skill. He kills you on turns 2, 4, 6, etc. so you can only manage about 5 turns like that
  5. And if you didn't it's a 6 mercy pull
  6. maybe it's just because he draws out his lines longer? "DARKNESS" vs. "Iiiiinsolent foooooolssss"
  7. man, i don't even have a single copy of the sora+riku medal, and now it'll be even harder to get because the rates will probably move up to t9 rates (or would that be down to t9 rates? idk)
  8. probably just 5 quests, but hey, it's something
  9. aw come on nova, you're telling me you didn't like that part where... uh... that one thing happened, and... ummm... someone died? idk, maybe. ...you're telling me you didn't like that part?
  10. tfw it's global's anniversary but jp is getting all the story stuff
  11. I can do that, but I'd need to spend about 6 mickey+brooms and the t8 fairies to do it
  12. honestly, it's not all bad. at least the prize isn't jewels or something valuable but boy is it annoying
  13. I still can't beat that stupid egg in 10 seconds
  14. ah, so that's why you were asking, lol
  15. https://tenor.com/view/obiwan-star-wars-driving-happy-gif-5925441
  16. too bad that aqua can't be evolved...
  17. he shouldn't be, tbh. the others i can kinda see since herc b and scar were hsc medals for jp. but repliku ought to still be in the pool
  18. idk, pretty sure they updated the odds recently. no more hd antiform, no more herc b, no more scar, etc. but we did get hd beast and the beauty and the beast b ver. medals, so...
  19. ...ok, fair. but still, when am i ever gonna pull on those? (i kid, i kid)
  20. fun fact: i only got a copy of her from these recent draw ticket pulls less fun fact: i never got an hd antiform sora and now i never will... (i feel like the game made up for it by giving me 2 axels, but then decided that was a little too nice and gave me shit traits on both of them)
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