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Everything posted by hawk222_1550644792

  1. tbf joaquin joker is a real departure from what we're used to when it comes to the joker, almost to the point of being a completely different character. this isn't necessarily a bad thing, of course
  2. maybe if they weren't making dumbass decisions like grounding green lantern in a mystery story set on earth like honestly, i'm still pissed that that's* what they're going with. the first movie tanked, they were at rock bottom and had nowhere to go but up, and it's really starting to feel like they just *pulled out a firetrucking jackhammer and said "let's go deeper!!"
  3. this is why i say dc should stick to animated stuff, it's where they're the strongest
  4. nah, more like naruto boruto in this case, since one piece never actually ended once before
  5. https://www.ign.com/articles/borderlands-star-jamie-lee-curtis-issues-public-apology-for-insulting-marvel-reaches-out-to-kevin-feige bit of an overreaction tbh, but the follow up is even better
  6. In terms of the website, I'll miss their annual star wars article. It was literally just "star wars. Star wars! Star wars? Staaaar waaaars. Wars star" and it was just... so stupid, I loved it (was the same article each year, just slightly updated with new photos and stuff)
  7. Based on a children's book of the same name Which begs the question: why isn't the main character a child??
  8. So apparently the game informer thing was like, spontaneous and immediate. According to now-former writers, none of them were even asked to write that blurb from the tweet (one even considered it might've been ai-generated 💀)
  9. Palworld is not a live service game There goes yet another one of my gaming news sources. And then there were 2 (well, 3, but that 3rd one is really stretching it)
  10. https://tenor.com/view/disappointment-immeasurable-day-ruined-my-disappointment-is-immeasurable-and-my-day-is-ruined-gif-25049040
  11. https://vxtwitter.com/animegirlsuni/status/1819037265059823807
  12. https://www.ign.com/articles/palworld-dev-addresses-dead-game-debate-who-cares-if-theres-only-five-people-playing Honestly? Good attitude
  13. Snake, how could you possibly forget the actual best Digimon game??
  14. https://www.ign.com/articles/star-wars-outlaws-lets-players-turn-off-yellow-paint-via-explorer-mode Progress
  15. https://tenor.com/view/the-batman-batman-smile-gif-18209007
  16. Played Kang in antman, was set up to be the next big bad after thanos The Batman
  17. https://tenor.com/view/the-brady-bunch-sure-jan-gif-25908813
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