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Everything posted by hawk222_1550644792

  1. let's hope it works that well, lol
  2. honestly, pretty much no gacha game likes f2p players ok, so i just did my best to replicate your setup, ignoring traits and skills (had to remove soooo many subslot medals) i think a lot of your problem stems from the increased defense that the bug starts with. your riku lowers def by 15, but this thing starts with +10, so your setup is dealing damage against a -5 def enemy instead of a -15 enemy do you happen to have a t8 ira ex+? that would overwrite the defense to -7 and then riku could lower it to -15 (the other thing you could use is kh3 kairi a) @salty-keyblade-master
  3. i'm still not a huge fan of the whole reylo thing tbh i was like "no no no, don't make them kiss once she comes back to life-- aaaaaaand of course they did" at least ben is dead now
  4. so they're going for the kingdom hearts naming style. i see.
  5. dang, work always keeps me from joining the conversation
  6. i gotta say, those were some of the biggest disappointments for me it's like "ooh, what's this?" and then it's just magic, or dnd, or league ?
  7. what a lackluster show not necessarily bad, but definitely lacking
  8. well boy am i glad i wasn't focused solely on this the whole time
  9. yup, just like pirate sora and dark baymax
  10. it's basically dark baymax but with more strength, higher multiplier, and no def self-debuff
  11. they can do whatever they want, i guess
  12. same could be asked of jack black, i guess. music, acting, youtubing
  13. he's doing the indie of the year award
  14. everything else has been boring so far (well, senua was interesting)
  15. so hey, is there still an archive of the dc comics channel? i didn't get a chance to check it out earlier today
  16. It's 6 And it comes with a unique lux skill automatically attached to it
  17. I mean, it's great for quest 845, but it feels like it has a limited use outside of that
  18. ...i used the wrong wording i meant to say that they affect the counter
  19. fair point my problem is that most of the medals i can use are the kind that add to the counter saix b, terranort, 2nd form sora, etc.
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