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Everything posted by hawk222_1550644792

  1. like, i agree, but also i have no clue
  2. what other monkey-based shooters are there?? overwatch???
  3. tbf, i wasn't hating on anyone. i used to find him annoying but these days i just don't really care one way or the other
  4. Hell yeah, man. There's a decent fanbase for them. Something about tom hardy's portrayal is just 👌 Also, does anyone else remember that they were gonna do a movie about some marvel comics wrestler starring bad bunny at one point?
  5. always love it when the court jester switches from outwardly attacking humor to inwardly attacking humor
  6. a new narnia movie, huh? that's unexpected
  7. https://tenor.com/view/romeo-and-juliet-sampson-gif-22974937
  8. Slight correction: we get more free pulls for winning. We already got freebies just for being nominated
  9. I was about to say he could make his triumphant return as Johnny storm, but, uh...
  10. Oh, I thought you were talking about snake saying erdtree would sweep
  11. Idk, don't underestimate the Chinese players on this one (Although whether they go for 1 of the hoyo games or wukong is a tossup)
  12. was reading a review a couple weeks ago that was saying how he's not all that great at being imposing or something and i'm like "did we watch the same episode??"
  13. oh boy, been a while since i got to use this! https://tenor.com/view/confused-bird-we-just-dont-know-question-mark-gif-15950567
  14. https://tenor.com/view/kingdom-hearts-kingdom-hearts-lamers-losers-gif-21155021
  15. i can at least take heart in the fact that no one here (myself included) ever gets to the point of the last 2 sentences. like, who even uses the "you couldn't do better" argument anymore? fortunately very few people, and those that do are, uh... seifer, what are they?
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