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Everything posted by hawk222_1550644792

  1. remember when we got like, 20+ quests in a single update and they were all agrabah
  2. Nah, the millennials are too old for the draft. That's gen z right there
  3. missing? what do you mean? global just plain doesn't have them yet
  4. the vocaloid-pocalypse is upon us
  5. you saw that his voice was provided by the same actress who plays moaning myrtle in the harry potter movies? thought it was pretty cool myself
  6. ok, so my idea that we'll get the update tonight probably won't happen. according to the jp people, the tav update was a regular update (non-maintenance), but it only came after they got the 3.5.0 update (which requires maintenance, i think), and we're still on 3.4.4 no way they'll just give us an unannounced maintenance like that, not with so few hours remaining in the day
  7. check that, and if there's no update for the game, try restarting your phone and trying to download the update again
  8. have you checked the play store/app store to see if the game needs to be updated?
  9. oh, a connection error. different than a network error. network error would be more like your wifi is having problems
  10. yeah, sounds like your data download is being interrupted
  11. if it's frozen in updating but the heartless are moving, it sounds like your connection might be slow. are you using data, or are you connected to a public wifi source?
  12. and by "tonight" i mean "as soon as it hits midnight pst"
  13. it's possible that we'll get the update tonight. they like releasing medals on friday, and they need to give us the update before they can give us the 4 newest medals
  14. we haven't gotten the update that jp got yet
  15. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/88/48/23/884823e87df8f68456c03b3e5d9fb0a2.png
  16. i don't think rehashing a movie is grounds to be screwed over, tbh the force awakens: insert "everyone liked that.jpg" here honestly, i think the best thing to come out of this was that jj also wasn't a fan of reylo
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