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Everything posted by hawk222_1550644792

  1. my plans: finish the shadow of war epilogue, play remind, play kh3 critical mode (because i never did back when it came out, lol)
  2. did we ever get official confirmation on the ways to unlock oathkeeper and oblivion, or is it still just a matter of "this has to be it, it just has to be, nothing else makes sense"?
  3. that's what i'm concerned about. gameplay is kinda eh, but story? gotta wait
  4. so hey, i've heard that people are posting remind spoilers on the kh twitter accounts, but what about here? there's still a spoiler policy in effect, right?
  5. btw, i never read the sleeping realm theory. anyone got like, a list of bullet points with the relevant stuff?
  6. still, everyone is capable of learning and changing, so hopefully with time we'll see fewer people who just immediately think theories are canon and won't take no for an answer
  7. can't be asscheeks: gotta keep that family-friendly aesthetic pay no attention to the r-rated movies we just acquired
  8. it'd be interesting if you could still have rapunzel in your party, but with a new moveset since she doesn't have the hair anymore (maybe something involving maximus and pascal? idk)
  9. (i'm smarter than i look, not just a pretty face ? )
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