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Everything posted by hawk222_1550644792

  1. https://tenor.com/view/wipe-off-sweat-bradley-hall-clear-the-perspiration-wash-away-sweat-gif-5666657092934823161
  2. I was neither angry nor violent before. But this is pushing it
  3. That just isn't feasible though. You're too ingrained in the chatter that it would just make everything more confusing. There'd be a bunch of things said that make no sense because half the conversation is missing
  4. Tbf, I'm not angry and I never made any threats of violence (just vagueness)
  5. And on that day, I won't have to catch up at all
  6. https://tenor.com/view/strangle-bingus-flops-gif-21069862
  7. What could possibly have happened in the last 8 hours to warrant this much chatter
  8. Imagine being in 2016 and having someone tell you that no man's sky would still be relevant in 2024. You'd think they were off their rocker
  9. you fool! that's just the kingdom hearts 1+3 bundle!
  10. ...would you be willing to humor me and believe that I was playing dumb to test you and totally didn't forget that part? Actually, squeak squad featured a sort of precursor to this in the form of ability scrolls. They didn't completely change things like in this game, but they did change things up a bit
  11. You really think we'll see Robin this season? Maybe as a post credits cameo or something, but I don't expect anything until the alabasta stuff in the following season
  12. They saw that folks liked the Netflix series and they're trying to capitalize on that with both existing and potential fans. Might also be a bit of "look, we know he wasn't as dark in spider-man and she-hulk, but trust us, we won't screw this up" Tbf, I enjoyed his cameos in both of those
  13. Agreed, can we get someone like-- shit, who's a popular games-based streamer these days? Uh... markiplier??
  14. https://www.ign.com/articles/xbox-boss-phil-spencer-passed-on-destiny-and-guitar-hero-ive-made-some-of-the-worst-game-choice-decisions
  15. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/559767043620995105/1280031690718187530/Im_afraid_it_has_been_9_years.mp4?ex=66d742a8&is=66d5f128&hm=e43d2dae8aefa92ada7c857d73e26be827d1ea2b7854b764540559a78445dbac&
  16. i can weigh in after i get back, but kye'll probably cover it all heh, "kye'll" sounds like kyle
  17. yeah, his character was so interesting, shame they focused so much more on other characters instead
  18. https://fixupx.com/ShitpostRock/status/1830343418461167795
  19. true detective, that's right. couldn't think of the right term
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