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The Nobody of Harambe

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Everything posted by The Nobody of Harambe

  1. When you're on a budget but you want a keyblade
  2. Galactus is a giant being who devours planets I'm not sure if he's a celestial I googled and he's not a celestial but he's a cosmic being Stronger than any one celestial Interesting
  3. I've never played kotor So he's basically galactus Without a form
  4. I wanna see Darth Bane on some screen some more The RotS fights were great AotC too
  5. That's outrageous! It's unfair! But really TPM over the original star wars? I mean maul was cool but the rest of the movie doesn't even compare to ANH
  6. Attack of the clones is decent imo. Revenge of the Sith tho? One of my favorites I'd put Empire first and RotS second Connah put phantom menace before a new hope?! Connah wtf
  7. I'm a prequel fan as well Fite me Ok phantom menace is the worst tho
  8. Mostly yeah but I know a lot who dislike it despite never watching it
  9. And how exactly is that like ESB?
  10. Never heard of redwall. What's it about?
  11. It wasn't afraid to have a dark ending
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