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The Nobody of Harambe

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Everything posted by The Nobody of Harambe

  1. I'm hoping they're still considering a sequel Cuz the actor signed on for 3 movies but it didn't do well enough I'm assuming they're shelved but not thrown away
  2. Since they only blocked the stream once for that other footage Interesting
  3. Oh wow I wonder when that was shown? Maybe at the very end
  4. You sure? They only blocked the stream once
  5. One of the many lol Phineas and Ferb movie!!!!! Plus many Marvel shows, star wars shows, original content, every Disney and Pixar movie so far... And so much more I just hope I'll be able to afford internet by then
  6. The Mandalorian will be the first live action Star Wars series Coming to Disney's streaming service on November 12th
  7. The Clone Wars? Yeah it was originally on Cartoon Network But the final season was cancelled until niw
  8. He just wields the Darksaber It's complicated To say the least
  9. Sure if you wanna dumb it down They're not all bounty hunters tho but whatevs Generalize away!
  10. ? Just pretend you didn't see it I guess
  11. Hm I'm really excited for Disney+. I'm assuming it will have every season of the clone wars and rebels since clone wars season 7 will be released there. And maybe then I'll watch all of clone wars I've seen all of rebels but I haven't watched much clone wars I'm excited for the new season tho cuz it's the siege of Mandalore and we get to see more Maul In a seat of power too
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