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The Nobody of Harambe

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Everything posted by The Nobody of Harambe

  1. I don't put items on commands unless it's really necessary
  2. I stick to what feels comfortable for me
  3. Just feels right. I think of x for projectiles like it is for gummi ships and square for projectiles, and triangle for thunder cuz it's the up most button of the 4 and thunder comes from the sky I guess???
  4. X for fire circle for cure, triangle for thunder, square for blizzard
  5. I use the setup as sarcastic sora Just feels right to me
  6. He bought his clothes from the organization's official store Forever 13
  7. Lmao I played that He already has an eye patch tho
  8. No skipper is the leader I think he voices rico He voices private ironically He must really change his voice
  9. For original keyblades same Disney themed would be nano gear, wheel of fate, and favorite deputy I used happy gear a little and I liked it but swapped it for a stronger one I just don't like the frozen transformation much
  10. I really like shooting star, favorite deputy, nano gear and starlight Didn't use the frozen one much
  11. I didn't really care for air stepping but it does have uses I dislike hunny spout because it's just a reskin of shooting star
  12. They're pretty flashy and useful at times Air stepping was odd though
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