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Everything posted by Psianabel

  1. these banners feel like bait
  2. what was the quest number with the high number of heartless again? was it 777 lol
  3. this might be my worst ticket draw lmao
  4. Forum user wanted with Friend Medal Aqua I just tried this method and it worked, i defeated Hades with it Didnt really need the HD Aqua and KeyArt 20, they did 1 damage, but yeah
  5. woah and here i was happy about this just now fkdbdkdb
  6. they are dragging wreck it ralph along til ReMind and with the dlc coming out, we get heavy lore again i bet
  7. included.... lude...? okay khux
  8. didnt expect we get 2 story updates at the same time wellp, now we're only 3 months after jpn lol
  9. i tried, but I dont do enough damage still, I die to his counter attack otherwise I would win it lol
  10. my supernova draw was..... okay.
  11. so now we go with an upright strength boost instead of a upright strength buff huh ?
  12. when even the pvp people are sick of this nonsense
  13. im just saying that there is no evidence at all. The theories went from Lauriam (the second he got introduced), which was dropped once it got revealed she's his sister. And then ppl jumped onto Ven, Brain we just have to wait and see, that is all
  14. ||I am aware Brain is the virus and not one of the 5 Ava was told to make Union Leaders and basically replaced Strelitzia, but if you followed jpn updates, Brain doesnt seem to be the killer? He follows his own goal, who knows. Maybe someone else appointed him, gave him Streli's rule book, told him to do his stuff. Brain even helps Lauriam in his search? That was global's last update. We dont have any evidence lol Right now, for me, some third party did it, appointed Brain to follow the Union Leader path. And thats it.||
  15. why would Elrena have done this while trying to help Lauriam to search for her, even her entire life, lmao at this point, none of the Union Leaders have done this, not even Brain
  16. I also managed Chasm of Challenges 5 with this https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D7epv18XYAAY2da.jpg and really Young Eraqus is a medal I wished for such a long time, it makes turtling so much better and do-able again
  17. today was a good day honestly
  18. yeah it basically was just... the way to sugar rush ive seen ppl saying its mentioned that next update vanellope will appear, so lets see
  19. this time i appreciate getting either of them, so idm pulling here
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