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Kyle J West

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  1. Does someone have a link to a list of abilities ordered by what level you unlock them at? Can't find one for kh3 for some reason, I can other games just fine though
  2. Gonna be hard not spoiling myself on what happens afterward from cool people on social media
  3. fuk Guess I'm grinding to level 99 on my crit save for the data cut bosses then lol
  4. Oathkeeper and oblivion along with the new abilities are the only new non remind stuff right
  5. Comes out in 9 hours for me They could be on a different psn account with a different region
  6. Ooo I thought the skybox in keyblade graveyard looked different
  7. Are all the new abilities in patch 1.07 the ones you get when you load your save for the first time And the new form changes are just for oblivion and oathkeeper I assume
  8. I never used links or flowmotion or w/e that dumb pirate ship is on my critical playthrough it was more fun without them
  9. I noticed a few but I haven't touched 3 in awhile Has bizkit not done a vid yet 047
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