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Umbros Maleficus

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Everything posted by Umbros Maleficus

  1. Hopefully they’ll add oblivion with a tansformation
  2. Maybe he’ll explain how the beginning tutorial takes place near the end of the game
  3. Square like to take our money so the dlc will be 30 bones
  4. But who is luxord???? I’ve been waiting for his plot plot relevance
  5. Lol truth. The worst thing they did with his character was book 2 all of it
  6. Bolin is my favorite character
  7. rip to anyone that went but didn't finish the game yet lol
  8. the orchestra concert last night was amazing! No dlc news so hopefully on the 10th we'll hear some news they also really expected people to finish kh3 before seeing this concert because showed the whole game pretty much they even showed scenes from khux that haven't released outside of japan yet
  9. Yeah some of that stuff gets a bit tedious
  10. I think that’s what i loved about it because i don’t remember the last time a story took me 90+ hours to get through
  11. I liked it enough to play through it again It’ll take me forever like my first play through, but worth
  12. Yeah getting there Can’t wait for p5 final mix next year I mean p5R
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