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Umbros Maleficus

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Everything posted by Umbros Maleficus

  1. Yeah a shame they couldn’t follow the direction Disney allowed with their films
  2. I’m glad the dispute with putting toy story in kingdom hearts lasted until 3 i couldn’t imagine what it would like in the previous games
  3. I think square just likes that format for mobile games
  4. Beats yozora. Immediately makes memes If only right Actually took a trip to England to visit a friend and she was stuck on the demyx fight in radiant gardens so i helped her out. Turned out she didn’t equip any abilities the whole game. I was more shocked that she had gotten that far in the first place lol
  5. I DID IT Jahdbziensmeks AHHHHHHHHHH Thank The timing on his counters are tight af The one fight where i utilized airstep the most
  6. Got yozora down to 1 and a half bars ? so close He is rough, especially after his DM He is quite annoying
  7. Is it bad that i want p5r purely for the zip line feature?
  8. I remember going against the red defender in re coded and then giving up, but that was back in high school
  9. Fighting against any form of kh1 riku is terrifying
  10. Aw don’t think i ever got to that
  11. You’ll get it eventually. That’s how i felt with terranort for a few days Also the set of cards that you have to dodge roll through can be countered with fire or thunder depending on the element that’s shown briefly at beginning of the attack
  12. Any glowing card he throws at you when blocked isn’t left on the ground And means less cards to sift through to find the O and luxord
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